Self Discovery
“While listening to a local radio station the guest, Sienna Gold, was bringing forward the issues of several callers just from their voices. I was able to get my call through and in talking to Sienna she was able to hone in on several key issues which clouded my life. Amazed at Sienna’s skill I made an appointment for a personal session with her.
In further sessions with Sienna she expanded upon her capabilities and her abilities to further identify my personal issues; showing me perspectives of myself I had never before known. Additionally, Sienna introduced tools to me that I was able to put to use in managing the contrasting aspects of my personality, memories, life events and experiences which drive my life. She showed me methods to synthesize these differing, seemingly disparate elements into a cohesive whole to focus my personal capabilities and energies to improve my life and better understand my emotions and situational reactions.
I continue to make use of the tools Sienna has shown me and my self knowledge increases daily. I look forward to my next session with Sienna and to increasing my self-knowledge and effectiveness. I would recommend Sienna Gold to anyone wanting to gain a better personal understand of their lives and the varying pieces that make up the ‘Self.’
Sienna Gold has a truly unique gift that she uses to make this world a better place. I look forward to our next session and the resulting improvements that manifest from each new experience and the guidance gained in session with her. I would highly recommend Sienna to anyone desiring to take self-knowledge to a higher level and who wants to pursue the inherent personal freedom, awareness and fulfillment that increased personal knowledge stands to offer to all levels of personal living.”
Bruce Hayden (California)
“Meeting Sienna was like going home to one of your friends from childhood. She drew upon images that she perceived while I responded to questions that led me to a path of self-discovery. She helped me by drawing on both the things I accept about myself as well as the things I deny myself. One of the key aspects of our incredible time together was the integration of all the parts of myself, this is such a gift for me because I have a tendency to block certain aspects of myself from coming into visible form. An example of this is one of my beliefs that I am somehow not enough, this shows up in both my relationships and my financial life. After my session with Sienna, I had the opportunity to re-look at this belief and how it may be effecting my decision making processes. She also encouraged me to look at things that come up that are annoying to me, as these things represent aspects of myself I may not be willing to look at. Sienna reminded me of the truths I know deep inside but wish to ignore.
Overall, my experience was so well worth the time and expense, I was never so happy to pay anyone for services I received!
I called my mother and told her all about what I had experienced and she was inspired to call Sienna and set up time to work with her. When you meet someone as incredible as Sienna, you just want to pass it on so others can benefit from her gifts. I hope that Sienna continues to gift the world with her abilities.
Every day since my meeting with Sienna, I reflect on certain aspects of myself and have a chance to adjust my relationship with them. I have found it very interesting how inspired I have been creatively since our time together, its as if those creative aspects of myself have been unlocked and set free to PLAY….and a little more PLAY in my life was exactly what I needed.
Everybody needs a little Sienna in their life. I am grateful.”
Deborah Daniels (California)