About Sienna
I am amazed at what is available to us as human beings. I am equally amazed at how little we utilize. I believe our thoughts combined with our feelings dictate what is available to us. Wouldn’t it be great to learn to take the reins of your life into your own hands? What you think combined with what you feel attract life experiences. I offer tools that allow you to access your deepest thoughts and most hidden feelings. You learn to see how they show up in your life. The end result − you are in the driver’s seat.
I am also kicking “kumbayatic” butt and taking names. You’ve studied long enough! Let’s take some action and bridge the gap between earth and whatever that is “out there.” Earth is a wonderful place to live and we are absolutely not alone here.
My intuition has always been part of my life. As a young adult, I was ashamed of my ability and ignored it.
After some time, I began to work with friends and family, giving my impressions of what was happening in their lives and offering solutions. As their lives improved they told friends and more people came to see me.
I have done a lot of personal and “spiritful” searching that involved extensive travel worldwide. After many very rewarding and challenging experiences, I have developed the theories I am currently imparting. I have had no formal training.
When I arrived in Northern California in 2008, I knew just one person. She was impressed with my intuitive ability and philosophy. She introduced me to her community of friends who, to my great surprise and delight, have supported me unconditionally. I am now grateful for who I am and what I offer.
I love my life! I feel so lucky to be alive! How about you?
“Sienna has a truly remarkable gift, a perfectly natural ability to pierce right through the veil of the many illusions that surround and plague us. I don’t know how she does it, I just know she does.” Sao ~ Sedona, Az